Well, if you don't know what an iMac is, you haven't been paying attention. This scheme is my tribute to the iMac -- not as a machine (no floppy drive?!!) but as a design. It's so beautiful I want to get one just so I can use it in a dark room and watch the light come through the translucent sides <ノ sigh ノ> In this scheme you will find the iMac's power button, carrying handle, nameplate and of course that cool aqua color, lightened somewhat.
This is a semi-lite scheme; it has generic folder and document icons, and the "major" system icons but not the full set. Also still missing are pop-up tabs, but they patch just fine from the other resources.
This scheme is visitware. If you use it, drop in on my website (www.whidbey.net/tawanda/marla.html) or my company's site (www.mcphee.com). You may distribute this scheme in its unmodified form only, and this ReadMe must be included.
Contact Me
This scheme is ゥ1998 by Marla Erwin. For bug reports, questions, critiques or lavish praise, email me at tawanda@whidbey.com.